System Warning - Robot Reaper, the Robotic Harbinger of Death, has been detected! This eerie electronic emissary of eternal extermination is hardwired for horror and programmed for pain! A cold, calculating computer with a corrupted file, it cuts and pastes from the living column to the dead, mercy does not compute! Each victim faces a binary decision, and Robot Reaper always chooses zero, for delete! Escape is impossible, everyone will be powered down, reboot is not an option. Press any key to continue...
Robot Reaper joins the ULTIMATES! World with this made-to-order 7” scale fully articulated ULTIMATES! Figure. The Worst is Super7’s own gang of the most villainous vile vermin, and Robot Reaper is one of... The Worst! He is here to delete all those whose time has come with multiple interchangeable heads & hands and a variety of accessories.
Key Features
- 7-inch scale (17.78cm)
- Made of plastic
- Super7's own gang of villainous vile vermin
- Fully articulated
- Feature several accessories for numerous poses
- Robot Reaper figure
- 3 Head sculpts
- 4 Pairs of hands
- Sythe hand
- Sythe
- Robe
- Hourglass
- Floppy disk
- Portable game system