To protect high school student Andi Benton, Flash Thompson accidentally bonds his symbiote to her, only learning later that the Venom symbiote had passed on his demonic Hell-Mark to her.
With over 80 years of entertainment history, Marvel has become a cornerstone of fan collections around the world. With the Marvel Legends Series, fan favorite Marvel Comic Universe and Marvel Cinematic Universe characters are designed with premium detail and articulation for posing and display in collections. From figures to vehicles to premium roleplay items, the Marvel Legends Series offers elite character-inspired product for Marvel fans and collectors.
Key Features
- 6-inch scale (15.24cm)
- Made of plastic
- Based on the Marvel characters
- Multiple points of articulation
- Movie-inspired details
- Venom Space Knight figure
- Alternate head
- 2 Hand scythes
- Mania figure